Having a manageable marketing team can often be challenging especially if the workflow isn’t streamlined. Most times you’ll be trying to stay on top of multiple deadlines and having the actual work done.
Establishing a marketing workflow can be time-consuming. In the case when you are having everything disorganized you may need to identify how to implement some of the workflow processes.
The effectiveness of your team’s workflow process may require customization of the process to align as you measure your success and goals.
Here is an infographic of workflows for 5 types of marketing teams.
Content Marketing / Blog Workflow
1. Identify goals and target audience
In developing content you would want to ensure your content are of high quality and providing a solution to your target group needs.
For your blog strategy develop content around keywords that are relevant to your business or company and also keywords that you can compete and rank on search engines.
2. Plan Editorial Calendar
Have a plan on the optimum time that is suitable for your content to be read and provide a high conversion.
3. Assign Content To Team
Distribution of the content development within your content curators enables fair uniqueness of the content to which you provide.
With a wider team, an organization could assign a subject to experts across the entire organization.
4. Write content
5. Proofread and Peer Review
After the post has been written, the next stage should be proofreading. It can be assigned to a content writer, blog manager or marketing manager.
6. Design visual content
Depending on the content developed, attaching an image or a design resource help depict what you have written.
A designer could create a custom graphics for the post or in case you don’t have design resources you could have the content writer or blog manager to find relevant stock images, screenshots, etc. if necessary.
In the case there are custom graphics or images used, the senior designer or content manager may review it before being attached on the content.
7. Write and schedule social sharing content
With the marketing of the content message, a social media strategist could create a custom sharing schedule for your social media channels.
The visual design and image may need to be customized depending on the social media channel to be used.
8. Publish Content
Once the content has been reviewed and approved then it may be published on the media planned for either in a blog, web page or news or newsletter.
The SEO elements such as the meta description, title tag, permalink etc could be the final stage to be reviewed by either the content manager before publishing.
Publish content may be reviewed in the future by the marketing manager or someone who is responsible for the entire strategy, to update the content in the case there are changes in the subject is outlined.
9. Distribute content via external sites
10. Respond to post comments
The focus of the content that you provide is to be engaging and allowing people to give option on the subject matter.
This portrays the culture of the business and the company in being inclusive rather than creating a gap between the content developers and the readers.
11. Repurpose the content into other formats
Email Marketing Workflow
1. Plan content and set goals
One aspect you may focus on with your content is optimizing for either mailing and newsletter. For instance, your blog post, company news, updates on offers, new product launch could form the content for your mailing.
2. Map Email Design and Layout
With the chosen content that you would wish to be sent to your mailing list, you may want to consider having a layout and design that appeal to your audience.
As a business or company you want to ensure your brand identity is well represented on your email campaigns, having a Designer or an agency would ensure this is achieved.
3. Write email copy
The next stage would be to write an email copy. Depending on your team size, a content developer may be assigned this task to consolidate the entire content writing work.
4. Create a workflow in marketing automation tools
Tools such as MailChimp or Campaign Monitor would make your automation of emails quite simple. Consider how often you send your automated emails, the kind of content to be included in the email and the set goals.
5. Test and tweak email subject line and copy
Conduct an A/B Test with your subject line and email copy. This is necessary in the case you would wish to optimize your email campaign to have a high conversion rate.
6. Schedule Emails
Scheduling your emails may save your time especially if you are a small business or company and would wish to focus on other tasks.
For content that is automated such as recent blog posts, they may be scheduled as they would require less of the input especially if the content developer reviewed the content.
7. Review results to improve future emails
With the email marketing, reviewing the performance of the emails either the opening rate, conversion rate or click-through rate is important if you would need to scale in a mailing campaign.
This analytics may be provided by your mail handling platform that could be useful for future forecasting and planning. Gauging the performance of your email campaign help you to identify with the problem that has caused the decline in your desired goals.