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Top 5 Reasons Why Your Website Stops Working

Your client sends you a notification. Their website has gone down. Before you get too worked up over being blamed by your client for this “catastrophe,” consider the following options for dealing with this typical problem.

As you may be aware, many elements influence a website’s functionality, and we’ve narrowed them down to six main reasons why a website fails to function effectively. Take the initiative and educate yourself, as well as your clients, about why websites fail.

It is not a complete list but a collection of our experiences from 15 years of online coding boot camps, debugging and problem-solving with web companies. The following are the most common causes of website failure:

1. SSL Domain Name or Mismanaged Domain Name Expired

When a domain name expires, the website will not load, and much worse, the email linked with that domain will stop operating.

Incorrectly configured domain name

The website and email will stop working if the domain is not correctly configuring. The DNS must properly configure for the domain name to work.

SSL Misconfigured

Users will notice a security warning or other message linked to SSL if the SSL is not configured correctly on your website or if it has expired. Users will be suspicious of the website’s security as a result of this.


Ensure that someone actively manages the domain name(s) and SSL certificates. Don’t allow your SSL or domain name to expire. It could take up to 48 hours to re-establish service!

2. A filter is preventing you from accessing this website

It could be one of the following reasons if your website does not open for you but does for others:


Open the page on a different computer on a different network, connected to a different ISP. It’s likely being blocked if it works for others but not for you.

3. Local Code Malfunction

It is a type of coding error. Updates or improvements to the following can cause coding malfunction for a variety of reasons:

Code from a third party that isn’t working:

A variety of third-party codes are using on websites and web applications. This code is using because it saves the developer time by avoiding the need to reinvent the wheel by borrowing or leveraging previously constructed and maintained code.

The problem is that third-party code may or may not be kept current with contemporary web environments. Outdated scripts expose a website or an application to security risks and cause it to malfunction. The following are some examples of common 3rd-party code types:


Third-party codes must be discovered and managed to ensure that they are current and compliant with current standards. Finally, it would help to encourage the website’s owner to check their site frequently to ensure that everything is working correctly.

Areas that require third-party integrations or complicated functionality should be given additional attention by the site’s owner.

4. Server Error

Hardware Failure on the Server

The physical hardware on the server (such as the hard disc or processor) is broken or unresponsive, causing the website to stop working, be sluggish, or work intermittently.

Server Software Failure

The operating system on the server (for example, Linux or Windows) is old, incompatible, or corrupted.


Hosting your code in a trustworthy data centre with knowledgeable employees will save you a lot of time and effort. Our hosting is providing by Rackspace, which is a partner of IT Hands.

5. Site infected with malware or hacked

When your site hacks, it can be pretty clear to the visitor. (For example, a hacker may alter the text on your website or upload photographs to it.) A visitor to the site may not notice the problem at all other times. (For instance, could put some code on the site to collect information and then send it to any unauthorized third party.) Malware on your website, in any case, is a significant problem.


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